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September 11, 2024

LAS VEGAS —The ACLU of Nevada filed a lawsuit Tuesday against Nye County for restricting the right to observe the election process. The nonpartisan organization is seeking to make sure election processes remain transparent. 

Nevada’s election laws are designed to ensure that the public can monitor the voting process firsthand, an important element in maintaining public trust. During this year’s Presidential Preference Primary, however, the Nye County Clerk’s office blocked an ACLU of Nevada staff member from observing election procedures as a nonpartisan because of a policy that limits observers based on political affiliation, regardless of available space — a violation of state law and the Nevada Constitution.  

The case, ACLU of Nevada v. Nye County, Case No. CV24-0461 was filed in a Nye County court Tuesday. A file-stamped copy is attached. In 2022, the nonprofit sued Nye County for its illegal plan for hand-counting of ballots and a range of other issues that stemmed from observing such a process.  

ACLU of Nevada Executive Director Athar Haseebullah said:  

“Election observers are essential to maintaining faith in our democracy. Nye County’s policy serves no legitimate purpose and severely undermines the public’s trust, particularly at a time when misinformation and conspiracy theories are widespread. Our goal is to ensure that every Nevadan, regardless of their political views, can participate in a transparent and fair election process free from arbitrary and dangerous restrictions." 

ACLU of Nevada Voting Rights Attorney Sadmira Ramic said: 

“This lawsuit is about protecting transparency in our elections. When the government restricts observers based on political affiliation, they not only break the law but damage public confidence in the electoral process. These laws are in place to hold the government accountable and ensure that our elections are conducted fairly, and Nye County’s actions undermine this core value of our democracy.”