In February, Durango High School students were attacked by CCSD police, and video of the incident was captured by a bystander. CCSD continues to stonewall the release of public records related to the...
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Mar 21, 2023
Leavitt v. Nevada
Smart Justice
Status: Victory!
We're suing on behalf of seven incarcerated firefighters who were badly burned while forced to continue working by NDOC and NDF.
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Oct 5, 2022
ACLU of Nevada v. Nye County
Voting Rights
Status: Victory!
Update: On November 15, 2022, the Supreme Court of Nevada denied to issue a ruling to stop Nye County from conducting a hand-count of ballots received in the 2022 midterm election.
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Sep 21, 2022
Gordon v. City of Las Vegas
First Amendment
Status: Filed
The ACLU of Nevada has filed a civil suit against Fremont Street Experience LLC. and the City of Las Vegas for placing an adult curfew on a public street.
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Jul 6, 2022
Falconi v. Eighth Judicial District Court
First Amendment
Status: Victory!
Nearly half of the district courts in Clark County are family courts, but a recent rule in the Eighth Judicial District Court allows for closing court proceedings to the public without cause.
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Apr 26, 2022
Aldape v. Nevada
Smart Justice
Status: In State Supreme Court
The ACLU of Nevada and the Nevada Attorneys for Criminal Justice filed an amicus brief in Aldape v. State, a case on appeal before the Nevada Supreme Court, discussing the importance of the internet to free...