Protects the dignity of incarcerated persons by providing access to necessary prenatal care and menstrual care, prohibiting use of unnecessary restraints on pregnant inmates, and requiring correctional officers be of same or similar gender identity as the incarcerated person during a search.

Also prohibits correctional officers from disrespecting the gender identities of incarcerated individuals they interact with.

Submit Your Opinion on AB292

  • Currently: Awaiting final vote from Governor Lombardo

  • June 9: Enrolled and delivered to the governor’s desk

  • June 5: Third reading on Senate floor; passed Senate. Sent to the Assembly for enrollment.

  • June 3: Introduced to the Senate for first reading. Assigned to the Senate Committee on Judiciary. First Senate Committee hearing; work session; Do pass. Second reading on Senate floor.

  • June 2: Third reading on Assembly floor; passed Assembly. Sent to the Senate.

  • June 1: First budgeting hearing; Ways and Means work session; Do pass, as amended

  • April 21: Second reading on Assembly floor. Referred to the Assembly Committee on Ways and Means for budget considerations.

  • April 13: Committee work session; Amend, and do pass

  • March 27: Received a notice of eligibility for exemption from the deadline

  • March 21: Second Committee hearing

  • March 20: First Committee hearing

  • March 14: Introduced to the Assembly for first reading. Referred to the Assembly Committee on Judiciary.


Assemblywoman Cecelia González, Senator Pat Spearman, Senator Dina Neal, Assemblywoman Shondra Summers-Armstrong, Senator Melanie Scheible


Passed both chambers


2023 Legislative Session

Bill number

